There are also hidden advantages to a retirement home that you simply won't realize until after you move in. Finally, you may be surprised that it is actually much cheaper to pay out that once a month lump sum rather than living on your own and paying all the many small daily costs that add up to a figure much larger than you might have realized.
Consider the following options in retirement housing and the many options they present: Independent Living Retirement Housing offers independence, along with readily available care, as well as a secure environment and community with others. Living in community with a group of people who share your interests and concerns, you'll take part in daily activities, make impromptu friends and find yourself surprised – as many others do – at how much you enjoy it.
Alzheimer's Care Retirement Housing offers tactical care for this deteriorative disease. If your loved one requires Alzheimer's care there are many retirement housing complexes and residences that offer excellent care.
Assisted Living Retirement Housing finds a reasonably happy medium between seniors' need for independence along with the availability of care. These homes may have extra staff to help with selected activities and are sure to have a selection of tools and devices that will assist with some daily activities such as bathing, eating and other small but necessary tasks.
Long-term Care Retirement Housing offers extended care and housing for retired seniors who are ailing or deteriorating.
Of course, when searching for senior housing most people's first consideration is proximity to where they live or at least to their loved ones. You can use our search engine to find housing near you or find your preferred city or town in the list below of retirement housing in just about every city or town across Canada.
Alberta Retirement Housing
BC Retirement Housing
Manitoba Retirement Retirement Housing
Retirement Housing in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia & the Maritimes
Ontario Retirement Housing
Quebec Retirement Housing
Major cities with top notch retirement and senior housing:
Calgary Retirement Housing
York Retirement Housing
Kitchener-Waterloo Retirement Housing
London & Area Retirement Housing
Toronto Retirement Housing
Vancouver Retirement Housing
Mississauga & Peel-Halton Retirement Housing
Niagara Peninsula Retirement Housing
Ottawa Retirement Housing
Homes in cities, suburbs and small towns:
Collingwood Retirement Housing
Etobicoke Retirement Housing
Guelph Retirement Housing
Huntsville Retirement Housing
Kanata Retirement Housing
Markham Retirement Housing
Newmarket Retirement Housing
North York Retirement Housing
Oakville Retirement Housing
Orangeville Retirement Housing
Pickering Retirement Housing
Red Deer Retirement Housing
Retirement Housing in Richmond Hill, Ontario
Retirement Housing in Stouffville
Retirement Housing in Surrey, BC
Retirement Housing in Vaughan, Ontario
Victoria Retirement Housing
Retirement Housing in Whitby, Ontario
Windsor Retirement Housing
Oshawa Retirement Housing
Goderich Retirement Housing
Stratford Retirement Housing
Thornhill Retirement Housing