Watch: Toronto Senior Speaks Out!
At Comfort Life we like to pay tribute to seniors who are making a difference, so today we are sharing a video about Mary Trapani Hynes, chair of the Older Women's Network, who give 'a voice for the concerns of women 55 and over.
As many Canadians know, Toronto's mayor Rob Ford, recently invited the public's feedback on proposed cuts to the city's budget.
There was a large turnout at the all-night executive committee meeting in which citizens expressed their dismay at the potential closing of public libraries and the shutting down of bus routes.
One of the highlights was Mary Hynes who makes her deposition in this video. She got well-deserved front page coverage in the Toronto Star and we wanted to give her another shout out here. Way to go Mary! You are an inspiration and you remind seniors everywhere that they need to speak out on issues of importance and have their voices heard.
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