Every wondered what a day in the life of a retirement home looks like? Take in this fun poem about the team at Christmas time to give you a feeling.
'Twas the night before Christmas, and at the Barrington,
Linda had cleaned up the kitchen, Diana and Margret had all meds done;
The gingerbread door frame was a welcoming sight,
and everyone knew St. Nick would be there tonight;
The residents were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of Colleen’s butter tarts danced in their heads;
looking forward to Brian’s Turkey dinner getting into their belly,
even the die hard’s had turned off the teli,
Lourdes and Anastacio had given showers for the eve,
and Jackie and Jessica had tidied up to leave.
The hallways quietly lite with their late evening glow,
who was naughty or nice? Only Santa did know.
The last couple of days had been full of mirth,
every morsel served by Alison we know it was worth!
entertainment and parties with Fiona and Glenda we danced and played,
visits by family and memories made.
Carols were sung with M and the slightly off tune,
and Amee made sure there were cocktails past noon.
Joy and Christine kept the front lobby full of musical life,
the excitement so thick you could cut with a knife!
The banister was glowing and decorated by Andrii,
the fireplace made to look like a present by Stacy!
The Christmas tree littered with so many balls
all you could think was ‘dang! Who decked these halls!?’
Adela was ready for Christmas morning break-fast
and Jennifer and Jill knew the morning service would be a blast,
the last round of bingo Alyssa did call,
and Joy G put the angel on the tree so tall.
Michele and Margaret A polished everything the night prior,
Rosanna and Courtney had all the cloths folded straight out of the drier.
Gwen had been busy with infection control,
the last little curl, Sue had taken out of its roll.
The last care plan for the year by Amanda she did file,
and Brad put his hammer away for a while;
Santa was coming with his bowl full of jelly,
everyone was excited from Tamana to Kelly.
Residents had commented on the beautiful décor,
for a chance to win Elizabeth’s prize at the door!
Natasha had played Christmas movies all day,
and no one could wait for Santa to arrive on his sleigh!
The night was full of excitement for each gal and each guy,
Lorelie and Destiny would keep an eye on the sky!
For Jolly Saint nick to appear with his sleigh,
and everyone will shout a big hip hip Hooray!
A little home with a great big heart;
every day, working hard at our part,
Supporting the lives of the people inside that we love
putting their needs up and above;
Caring and giving, this team gives their all,
it isn’t a job, it’s a vocation, a call.,
today on this day, we give thanks and praise,
to the incredible team- our glasses we raise;
Merry Christmas to residents, families, friends and staff,
for the year of trials but mostly of laughs,
to the people we love, both here and gone from sight,,
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