Seniors and Dating: How to Meet People

Dating! The very word can strike fear into the hearts of men and women, young or old. However, there is a bright side to all this. Dating can be fun, exciting and an opportunity to meet people you would never have the chance otherwise.

Dating is no more different for seniors than it is for teenagers. Times have changed, but the rules and the jitters remain no matter how old you are. If you keep certain things in mind, you can change your perspective and have fun while meeting new people and maybe learning something about yourself in the process too.

Look In the Right Places

There are many opportunities to meet new people. You just need to keep your eyes and your mind open, be proactive and friendly!

  1. Friends: Let your friends know that you’re interested in dating. Put the word out. Go to every social event you’re invited to and meet as many people as you can.

  2. Senior centres: They’re all around town and cater to geographic and ethnic groups. Seniors’ centres always have activities, events and trips going. This is probably one of the best ways to meet people-don’t limit yourself to just one! Retirement communities often hold open houses to show visitors what they offer. Find out when and where they are and get yourself on the guest list.

  3. Faith-based groups. Be open to social events and activities at other places of worship especially if it is integrated with the community. At the very least, you will expand your horizons learning about different cultures and religions and will likely make new friends.

  4. Travel: Who doesn’t love to travel? There has been a boom in seniors’ travel. Singles’ travel packages, cruises, coach tours and themed tours, can take you to exotic locales or on historic excursions and help you expand your social horizons. Senior Tours is a great option for older adults and Elderhostel, Inc. is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing travel and learning opportunities to adults. Homeowners can also try home exchanges where you swap homes with others for vacation periods. You may meet an intriguing foreign partner while soaking up a new culture.

  5. Volunteering: Volunteering is a great way to meet new people and also give something back to your community. You can volunteer anywhere and everywhere: join a committee on your city council; museums or galleries, deliver meals on wheels; libraries, hospitals, seniors’ centres, friendly visiting. BoardMatch is a non profit organization that matches individuals with volunteer board positions. Get involved with your favorite non profit and become a board member.

  6. Special interest classes: Expanding your interests may include new learning opportunities. Now you have the time to take advantage of hobbies that you never had time to before. Take a cooking class, learn a foreign language (which is also good exercise for the brain), join a book club, dance class, or study photography or art lessons. Learn how to become more adept with the computer and more comfortable using the internet. In Toronto, York University offers discounted tuition for seniors and Ryerson has an educational institute specifically designed for seniors called The LIFE Institute.


Seniors and Dating Part 2:  Dating Online Vs Speed Dating


Related articles:

Speed dating for seniors

Dating after divorce: 10 tips from the trenches

What baby boomer tribe do you belong to?

Falling in love again: Dating tips for mature adults

Falling in love at first sight, really?


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