No time to relax? Try this...
An excellent way to get in some relaxation (or “me” time that we talk about in our Defy Aging System) is to stretch as often as possible for at least 15 minutes.
Stretching has many physical benefits to the body:
- It reduces muscle tension.
- Stretching increases range of movement in the joints making it easier to move and harder to fall.
- It increases circulation to many parts of the body.
Combine your stretches with abdominal breathing, especially in times of stress, and the body will release endorphins into your system. This will:
- Make you even more flexible.
- Relieve general pain.
- Reduce anxiety.
- Improve your mood.
- Increase energy levels.
- Improve sleep.
Here’s how to include deep breathing into your stretching:
- Get into the starting position of the stretch, take a deep breath in, gently filling your abdominal cavity. As you exhale, move a little further into the stretch and hold this new position.
- Repeat this action at least 2 more times, using your exhale to stretch the muscle a little further each time.
The more you practice, the slower your breathing will become – relaxing every part of your body along the way.
Six simple stretches to make you more flexible – allowing you to move easier and fall less:
Stretch #1: Pelvic Tilt
Stretch #2: Double-Knee To Chest
Stretch #3: Side lying Quad Stretch.
Stretch #4: Lying Hamstring Stretch.
Stretch #5: Pretzel Twist.
Stretch # 6: Cat Stretch.
Check out our “Simple Stretches For Ultimate Relaxation“ a 15-minute video we’ve prepared to show you how to incorporate abdominal breathing into a simple stretching routine.
Once you have a good sense of how to breath deeply while stretching, you can apply it to any stretch. Use this technique when sitting at your computer or after a long meeting, or try it after any physical activity or if you are having trouble falling asleep or getting back to sleep in the night.
Deep abdominal breathing with stretching is a good habit. It’s one of the easiest ways to relax your mind and release the daily stresses of you life, and is one of those simple, little things you can do to keep your life in balance.
COMING UP: Next week’s blog will continue to look at Stretching to lead you to a healthy, active life.
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